Brook Trout Hatchery
Virginia’s largest spring creek is the 12-mile run of the South River at Waynesboro. High-quality water, exceeding 15,000 gallons per minute and holding a constant temperature of 56 degrees F, is collectively discharged by numerous large limestone springs above and within the city limits. The removal of an impoundment in Waynesboro, which had previously elevated water temperatures beyond the ideal range for trout survival and growth, has transformed the river into an excellent year-round habitat for trout. Extensive studies on water temperature have further demonstrated that the stream maintains suitable conditions for trout survival and growth throughout the year. Recent electrofishing surveys conducted by the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries (VDGIF) have revealed trout up to 27 inches in length and weighing 8 pounds. These findings underscore the potential of the South River to evolve into a genuine trophy trout fishery and a sought-after destination for anglers.
Virginia’s South River stands as a substantial trout stream, boasting up to 12 miles of suitable waters for diverse trout stocking and fishery management strategies. Sustaining high-quality angling experiences demands a significant number of fish. However, the production capacity of state trout hatcheries is constrained, and there may be insufficient additional fish to fully unlock the South River’s fishery potential. Addressing this shortfall could be achieved by establishing a trout grow-out facility in Waynesboro. This facility would take small fingerling fish and nurture them to a catchable size, compensating for the potential shortage and contributing to the river’s comprehensive development as a prime fishing destination.
Starting in the middle of town at the former DuPont Corporation fibers plant and extending downstream to Front Royal, Virginia, the South River bears contamination with mercury from fiber production that commenced in 1938 and persisted for over 20 years. As part of a Natural Resources Damage Assessment (NRDA) settlement addressing this contamination, DuPont has proposed constructing a trout grow-out facility for VDGIF and providing funding for its operation for up to 5 years. CCR is actively working to persuade the VDGIF to accept this offer.

Photo by Jim Heafner